Leanne in Mexico City

Leanne in Mexico City

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hot dogs... serious business

So I think this blog will only be interesting to those who have experienced the Xalapa-dog... I felt it was necessary to sample the competition here in Mexico City.. and oh yes, I've found something very close. I can't quite say they're better than the hot dogs a la Xalapa for traditions sake, BUT here they roll the bacon covered hot dog in cheese... basically there is no escaping the melted Oaxacan cheese, and that is just how I like it. I feel that I will make a more informed choice after a night out, Saturday night's hot dog was tasted under sober conditions so I will have to wait.. although considering this is only my second day at the gym, I should stop talking about hot dogs.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, you really should stop talking about hot dogs ha ha mum xx
